Michelle Jones

Michelle Jones

Michelle Jones is the State Energy Democracy Coordinator at Soulardarity with three years
helping people, especially in BIPOC communities who constantly deal with energy burdens and
face energy poverty issues. Specializing in advocating the fight for energy and climate justice
while working towards a sustainable, reliable, and clean energy future, Michelle focuses on
educating communities on how to effectively make their voices heard, educating legislators on
how their decisions impacts those that they represent and serve, and working with our coalition
partners to continue promoting for energy justice.
Over the years, the strengths that Michelle has developed at Soulardarity has allowed her to
facilitate training workshops for community organizers, participate in community town halls, and
present before state legislators. Representing Soulardarity in areas of energy justice is her main
focus, but it is the fight to see community resilience with affordable, community-owned solar
energy that generates community-wealth, while reducing the damage to our environment that
gets her up in the morning.
When Michelle is not at Soulardarity, she is an avid traveler and loves spending time with her 7
children and 19 grandchildren.