Hood Camp

Hood Camp

Join Soulardarity at Hood Camp

Hood Camp

Join Soulardarity at Hood Camp in Avalon Village! We’re giving away resiliency kits packed with free essentials to help you stay cool and prepared during those hot or powerless days.

Legal Rate Case is Kicking into Gear!

Racial Healing in Climate & Environmental Justice Organizing

Healing from the effects of racism takes more than one day. Yet, this is a great time and political climate to bring people together, cultivate trust, build relationships, tell the truth about your community or organization’s past and use authentic conversations to guide the future work of the Environmental Justice movement through dialogue about Anti-blackness.

Environmental liberation and injustice is a shifting landscape. We have recently experienced shifts in the demographic of nonprofit EJ leaders who succeeded within so many local organizations for the first time. Front-facing Anti-Black disruptions have been historically commonplace and even demonstrated by so-called values-aligned allies. Internal trust has not been built, the pace at which decision-making occurs trumps even identifying if the internal capacity is available to take on new and emerging work, politics are guiding the EJ movement more than the people especially those who identify as BIPOC.

The goal of our event is to demonstrate a united commitment to creating a safe space for Black people to be authentic, and to pave the way for future conversations that will change the ways EJ organizations work with one another beyond invitations to Black people to “the table”.


• It helps affirm the inherent value of all people in organizations and


• It cultivates a culture of belonging that can advance racial equity

and inclusion.

• It deepens our understanding of the differences in opportunities,

burdens and needs that exist related to how people racially/ethnically


• It restores individuals to wholeness by helping people share their

stories, lean into difficult conversations, constructively engage conflict

and face conscious and unconscious biases.

• It supports relationship building, trust, belonging, authenticity,

constructive dialogue and repairs the damage caused by systemic


• It builds community.

Learn more at: dayofracialhealing.org

How To Power A City

How to Power a City Film Screening – Community Event

Immerse yourself in the thought-provoking storytelling of “How to Power a City” directed by Melanie LaRosa dedicated to raise awareness and foster positive change in our community toward a clean energy future. The film highlights the experiences and struggles faced by marginalized individuals in communities across the country.

We invite you to be part of this transformative event co-hosted by Soulardarity and Parker Village. “How to Power a City” is a documentary which highlights efforts of local organizers, businesses and residents of Highland Park, MI when 1,000+ residential street lights were removed by the electric company, DTE Energy in 2011 due to a city debt and their fight to relight their neighborhoods with community-owned solar powered street lights. 

View Trailer and Learn More About the Film at: soulardarity.com/powercityfilm

Doors open at 6pmScreening starts at 6:30pm at Parker Village Campus 181 E. Buena Vista St, Highland Park, MI 48203

Each ticket includes: 1 event admission, 1 popcorn, 1 BBQ Dinner & Beverage



“How To Power A City” provides a front-row seat to communities battling fossil fuel dependence by bringing solar and wind projects to their hometowns. Set in six different locations-New York City, Las Vegas, Highland Park/Detroit, Atlantic City, Vermont, and Puerto Rico this film showcases how people are already impacting energy in their towns and cities. The film reveals how each community faces a variety of obstacles from corrupt and indifferent politicians, technological impasses, public ignorance, cost, to natural disasters.

ABOUT THE VENUE: Screening will be held on the grounds of Parker Village, a one-of-a-kind green space. This urban oasis is located not far from the iconic and currently abandoned Ford Plant, making it a prime location for local residents and visitors alike. 

INTERACTIVE Q&A: Engage directly with the filmmaker and key contributors behind “How to Power a City” during an interactive Q&A session. Gain deeper insights into the film’s creation, its impact, and ways to get involved in related initiatives.

By attending the “How to Power a City” documentary screening, you will help us raise awareness, inspire action, and create a positive impact within our community. Together, let’s shine a light on the issues that matter and work towards a brighter future for all.



Every gift makes a difference. 

We also encourage you to become a dues-paying member and add your voice and leadership to our forward motion.

DONATE ON IOBY & RECEIVE SPECIAL IMPACT GIFTS: https://ioby.org/project/how-power-city-exclusive-screening

Because this is a community event we provide a list of donation amounts that supports residents and their families to attend at a discount or no cost! In addition to various ticket types, there will be an option to add a donation amount to your purchase. Using the ioby platform (ioby stands for “in our backyards,”)  and the Reimagining Communities Match Program hosts hope to garner new supporters that will help push this work forward! The Reimagining Communities Match Program doubles donations for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) residents or BIPOC-led groups like our who crowdfund for projects, like this that will radically reimagine public space or support the implementation of public infrastructure investment in their communities

*Donations made through iOBY allow for partners, neighors and allys to support low or no cost tickets for residents that qualify in exchange for giver incentives. All generous contributions will directly contribute to covering event equipment, securing vendors, promoting the event, ensuring accessibility for all attendee types and the continuation of our work toward energy democracy. 


If you experience technical difficulties, are unsure which ticket type is right for you or would like to make a larger donation than our plaforms will allow, please email shimekia@soulardarity.com for instructions.

Soulardarity is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Donations made to Soulardarity are tax deductible.

 Soulardarity’s EIN: 47-2733535
